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Frequently Asked Questions

Will my student be able to alternate between attending our neighborhood school and Spark Online Academy?

  • Spark Online Academy is a full time stand alone school choice. Upon enrolling, your student will attend Spark Online Academy exclusively. District 11 policy allows for one “in district” transfer per school year. Should you wish to attend another school after being enrolled in Spark Online Academy, you would be required to withdraw from Spark Online Academy and enroll in another school.


What happens after I submit an application to attend Spark Online Academy?

  • Applications are reviewed by our enrollment specialists and staff to determine a best fit of learning experiences in an online and blended learning environment for both student and parent/guardian learning partners. Parents/guardians will be contacted should more information be needed to complete the application process. Notification of enrollment status will be provided to parents within five business days after all needed information and necessary documentation is submitted and the process is complete.


When is the deadline for applying to Spark Online Academy?

  • June 30 is the recommended application deadline. This deadline helps Spark Online Academy have adequate time for hiring our online teachers and staff, develop high quality instructional plans for our students and organize distribution of devices and needed supplies for staff and students. Applications received after June 30 will still be considered, however a commitment is preferred before July in order to begin day one with the best possible experiences for our learners. 


What is the application and enrollment process for students with current formal learning plans?

  • Before enrolling a student with a formal learning plan such as an IEP or 504 plan, the IEP or 504 team at your current school will need to meet to evaluate the appropriateness of Spark Online Academy services prior to enrolling. Spark Online Academy welcomes all learners and our instructional and support team will follow all active, formal learning plans and processes in our virtual learning environment capacity. Within the framework of an online instructional model, support will be aligned with formal plan goals in a virtual format.  Services such as English Language Learner supports and Gifted and Talented services will also be provided for those students who qualify through D11 protocols.